2021 WARMING Competition — August 2021
By Thomas Wang & Zhijie (JJ) Jin
A geoengineering initiative to limit glacial thaw.
Reversing the effects of climate change isn’t an overnight feat. 1.9 billion people depend on seasonal meltwater from glaciers as they provide a steady source of freshwater downstream. The equilibrium earth has had for millennia between the melting of glacial ice with the accumulation of firn has been at risk due to rising average temperatures. By consequence, all the benefits glaciers bring such as the provision of fertile soil, freshwater, gravel deposits, and hydroelectricity are at risk. While lowering average temperatures around the world back to this equilibrium may not be feasible, maintenance of the glaciers is.
Project: ReFreeze sprawls across the face of the glacier, mimicking and covering the crack formation of a melting glacier while clinching its above-ground research center into the glacier for stability. Below water, a visitor center lounges into the glacier’s side with an open-ended display case to the ocean, creating an educational environment for visitors to understand glacial melting’s effect on humans and the marine ecosystem. Submerged further underwater, the robots and drones center excavates into the glacial side implementing an easy repair station for drones to recharge and drop off research data.
The refreeze initiative runs on 4 components. The monitoring of seawater temperatures, firn accumulation, and mapping of glacial structure change is done through quality surveillance drones equipped for various forms of measurement. This data is run through the research facility which instructs wind-powered amphibious industrial vessels to pump seawater during winter to thicken sea ice for increased albedo during summer months. An estimated 1.3m of seawater will need to be pumped annually. Finally, maintenance and repair drones will be used to monitor glacial crevasses for safety monitoring and extension of its structural integrity.
1. Glacial Inventory | Proposed “Refreeze” center locations
2. Wind-powered sea water pump
3. Amphibious industrial vessel
4. Industrial scale optical tweezers
5. Maintenance drone
6. Temperature sensor | 3D mapping camera
7. Surveillance drone
8. Researcher dormitory
9. Data center
10. Amphibious industrial vessel docking station